This is a printed hardcopy of my painting company's Interior/Exterior Estimate Initial Presentation Package. We have spent over 15 years spent collecting and perfecting this presentation package. It is literally our secret weapon in terms of securing any interior and exterior painting estimates and turing them into jobs.
We give this to potential clients when we are out on the intital "free estimate" sales call. It really helps us to up sell other services we offer as well. It helps to answer any frequently asked questions and the additional client references help us build our company image and establish trust with every client.
You can use this as a guideline to build your own painting company's Estimate Presentation Package. Our presentation package makes us stand out amongst all our competitors and gives us a high rate of success in getting the job, even if we are twice the cost of our leading competitor.
The package contains 18 pages including a full colour copy of our company brochure, printed client references, full colour flyers for all of our residential services, letters of references from our local government officials and copies of our Referral-a-Friend Program Card, our Google Review Card, our doorhanger and our advertising postcard.
PRINTED VERSION - Interior/Exterior Initial Presentation Estimate Package
Printed material. 9"Wx12"L.